US on edge for Russia probe findings on Trump

24 Mar, 2019

The US public and Washington's deeply divided political class faced an anxious wait Saturday to learn if the key findings of the Russian meddling probe will implicate President Donald Trump in serious wrongdoing. One day after Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the confidential final report on his 22 month investigation, Attorney General Bill Barr was studying the document, which he must summarize for Congress.
The Justice Department told legislators however that Barr would not be sending an outline of its "principal conclusions" expected over the weekend on Saturday, according to US media.
That left the American public still in the dark over what the Mueller investigation uncovered about the president's ties to Russia and alleged acts of obstruction of justice.
Chronic tweeter Trump, who was spending the weekend at his Palm Beach, Florida Mar-a-Lago residence, remained uncommonly silent after spending two years repeatedly labeling Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation an illegal witch hunt.
After the president spent the morning golfing, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley confirmed that they still had not seen the report or been briefed on its findings.
Asked how the president felt, Gidley replied: "He's good."
Meanwhile Democrats in Congress, many of who are hoping for evidence to support a presidential impeachment, pressed hard to ensure the report's full contents are made public, and not just a summary prepared by the Trump-appointed Barr.
Neal Katyal, the former Justice Department official who drafted the rules for special counsels, said Barr had no excuse for keeping Mueller's report secret.
No new indictments
"Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public," Katyal said in a Washington Post opinion piece.
The secret report was handed to Barr on Friday with the announcement that no new indictments were forthcoming.
That produced sighs of relief from the White House, where members of Trump's family - Don Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner in particular - had been feared possible targets of the probe.
For Trump himself, Mueller was prevented by longstanding Justice Department policy from indicting the president.
But his report could still outline criminal behavior by Trump that could be the basis for an impeachment effort.
Mueller, a 74-year-old veteran criminal prosecutor and former FBI chief, investigated whether members of Trump's campaign colluded with Russians to skew the 2016 election.
In addition, he studied whether actions by Trump, including the May 2017 firing of FBI director James Comey, amounted to criminal obstruction of justice.
At the end of the probe, he was required to produce to Barr a confidential report that explained why he decided to indict or not indict subjects of the probe. Barr must summarize the report for Congress.

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