Qureshi, Chinese VP discuss bilateral ties, CPEC

20 Mar, 2019

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called on Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan in Beijing where they discussed bilateral relations and progress on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The high-ups have also exchanged views on important regional and international issues.
Qureshi said that Pakistan and China were enjoying ideal relations. He added that Islamabad also desired better ties with its neighbours in the region. He praised Chinese programmes for eliminating corruption and poverty alleviation of 700 million people. The foreign minister said that Pakistan will also get benefit from China's experiences in eradicating poverty and corruption.
During the meeting, both leaders urged the continuity of strategic coordination between Pakistan and China. Pakistan and China have been close allies in the region as well as at the global stage calling their ties all-weather relationship. China has launched the CPEC project under its Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan, which carries the largest foreign investment in the country in recent years.

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