Ground-breaking ceremony of shelter home held

11 Mar, 2019

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain Sunday performed ground-breaking of a shelter home here at the District Headquarters Hospital to accommodate visitors and patients' attendants coming from adjoining areas. Speaking on the occasion, he said the facility was being set up as per the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan to make Pakistan a welfare state on the pattern of Madina tul Munawara.
The 100-bed shelter home will accommodate 64 male and 36 female visitors and attendants, where three time meal and clean drinking water facilities will also be available for them. It is being constructed in collaboration with local organizations, brick kiln owners, philanthropists and businessmen. The minister said Imran Khan soon after taking oath as the prime minister had taken the initiative to establish shelter homes for the needy so that their sufferings could be mitigated.
Under that vision, the minister said, such facilities had already been set up in major cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar and now it was being extended to small cities for the welfare of common man. Fawad said different development projects would be launched in Jhelum soon.

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