Faryal Talpur visits Arts Council

11 Mar, 2019

President Pakistan People's Party Women Wing, MPA Faryal Talpur on Sunday visited Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi. Adviser to Sindh Chief Minister on Information & Archives, Law and Anti-Corruption Barrister Murtaza Wahab accompanied her on the occasion. Chairman Arts Council Karachi Syed Ahmed Shah and senior writer and renowned literary figure Anwar Maqsood welcomed the respected guests as they arrived at the Arts Council Karachi.
PPP Women's Wing President Faryal Talpur while extending her full support to Anwar Maqsood and his team for promoting stage drama in the country appreciated his and President Arts Council Syed Ahmed Shah's efforts in the revival of the stage drama in the country after a long. She said that it was their untiring efforts that today all the showbiz stars keep on twinkling under the sky of the Arts Council frequently.
MPA Faryal Talpur on the occasion asserted to come again at Arts Council of Pakistan to watch a theater play with her family in near future. Speaking on the occasion Barrister Murtaza Wahab said that Sindh government had always supported art, culture and festivals in Karachi and rest of the Sindh.
The Adviser mentioned that we had 5000 years old, rich and attractive culture of which we were proud of. -PR

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