Israel hits Gaza in response to 'projectile'

10 Mar, 2019

Israeli forces said Saturday they had launched several strikes against Hamas sites in Gaza in response to a projectile launched from the besieged coastal territory the night before. "IDF fighter jets and aircraft struck several military targets in a Hamas compound in the southern Gaza Strip and underground structures in the northern Gaza Strip," it said in a statement. "The strike was conducted in response to the projectile that was launched from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory" as well as the "balloons carrying explosive devices" into Israel and attempts to damage "security infrastructure", it said.
Security officials in Gaza said the strikes had not caused any casualties. A Palestinian was killed and at least 45 others wounded by Israeli fire Friday in new protests and clashes along the Gaza border, the enclave's health ministry said.
An Israeli army spokesman said around 8,400 demonstrators had gathered along a barrier between the blockaded territory and Israel, throwing explosive devices and rocks and setting fire to tyres. The Gaza Strip has been the scene of mass protests and clashes since late March last year. Demonstrators have been calling for Palestinian refugees and their descendants to be allowed to return to former homes now inside Israel.
Israeli officials say that amounts to calling for the Jewish state's destruction. At least 253 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since the rallies began, the majority shot during weekly border protests and others hit by tank fire or air strikes in response to violence from Gaza.

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