Partly Facetious: T-20 match

07 Mar, 2019

"It's a Test match not a T-20."
"That shows you are not really into cricket my friend! The PSL is T-20."
"I was using cricket terms as an analogy for something much more serious."
"Oh I see. Well if you were referring to Modi then my view is that he has played his innings as in a test match and now he has limited overs..."
"He may yet win the T-20 match against Pakistan!"
"You must not do a Khan - you know not wait for one to finish his or her thought before deciding on what the person meant. Anyway, when I said there are limited overs I meant all the good batters in Modi's team are out and only the tail-enders left with little chance of their completing the overs left..."
"My friend, I would simply like to remind you that in politics the unlikely can become likely - remember Trump who lost the popular vote, and I reckon Netanyahu in spite of facing indictment on corruption charges may yet win the elections, Zardari sahib for all the allegations of corruption still won the Sindh assembly..."
"But not Punjab!"
"Don't crow! You forget you Punjabis have The Buzz as your chief minister."
"Yeah, but he follows orders in letter."
"But not in spirit?"
"The Khan doesn't need any spiritual guidance anymore. Besides don't forget Zardari sahib's equivalent of The Buzz was Gilani, a more qualified man who could interact with more than half of the world population (I am referring to women and children), Mian Nawaz Sharif had Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, again more qualified..."
"Yes, but these men were prime ministers not chief ministers."
"Their function was the same no?!"
"Hmmm, anyway when I said it's a test match not T 20 I was actually referring to Chauhan's resignation on grounds of shooting off his mouth. Remember the return of others in other parties - Rana Sanaullah and..."
"Yeah, and then there is Vawda who is trying to teach us cowardly morons on how the West was won and instead of being thankful..."
"You are being facetious!"
"No, the guy said after Allah he believes in The Khan. And I ask you he thereby acknowledged that Allah guided him in his life decisions. The Khan gave him the cabinet position, an important one, I mean we are a water stressed country and..."
"I would beg the Prime Minister not to get rid of Vawda - I mean Chauhan and Vawda provide comic relief in these economic hard times and OK you get rid of one but please, please..."
"Don't be facetious."

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