Punjab Assembly: Opposition concerned at transfer of HBL PSL matches

05 Mar, 2019

Opposition in the Punjab Assembly on Monday showed concerns over transfer of HBL PSL matches from Lahore to Karachi. The shifting of matches gave the message that we are afraid of tension on the borders. Speaking on a point of order, PML (N) MPA Waris Kallu said that the nation is united and have full confidence in armed forces. He said the government is taking all decisions as goodwill gestures. He said transfer of matches also give the message that government failed to made security arrangements for the matches.
Kallu pointed out that the government has cancelled spring festival in Khushab. He said Punjab is famous for festivals and the government is not giving permission to hold festivals.
While responding to a point of order, Law Minister Raja Basharat said it is totally wrong that transfer of HBL PSL matches is a failure of government. The matches are transferred because of logistical and operational challenges as the air space was closed due to tension between Pakistan and India.
The government has made all the arrangements for the matches as Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar himself chaired the meeting to review the law and order and security arrangements of the matches. Kallu while responding to the question regarding cancellation of spring festival in Khushab said that government will announce a comprehensive policy regarding holding of festivals in two to three days. Speaker Pervez Elahi directed Law Minister Raja Basharat to submit a report in the House regarding stock and purchase of wheat in seven days.

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