Business community slams Indian aggression across LoC

02 Mar, 2019

Business community has condemned the Indian acts of unilateral aggression across the Line of Control. They expressed solidarity with the Pakistani armed forces and congratulated them and the government for timely action against India and valiantly defending the geographical boundaries of the country. They also assured all possible cooperation in strengthening the country's defence.
Former presidents KCCI Siraj Kassam Teli, Zubair Motiwala and president of SITE Association of Industry Saleem Parekh have announced full support for the armed forces of Pakistan in the current situation. Addressing the SAI members, they expressed solidarity and said armed forces of Pakistan are amongst the best forces of the world and there is no parallel to its professional skills. They noted that the armed forces adopted excellent strategy to handle current tension between Pakistan and India and proved them highly responsible forces. They said they are proud of the armed forces who struck down two Indian fighter jets intruding Pakistani airspace in response to Indian aggression.
The business tycoons said that Pakistan made history when freed Indian Air Force Pilot on humanitarian grounds and even during custody he was treated humanely as he was impressed with hospitality of our armed forces. They appreciated the speech delivered by the Prime Minister Imran Khan in the parliament as well as his brief address to the nation. The business community's leaders further said that SITE Association fully supports the views of the Prime Minister and stands with the armed forces. They said they were standing with the armed forces in the past and now again they vowed they are with forces and in fact, would always stand with our armed forces every time it is needed.
They emphasised that India should not consider Pakistan's gesture of peace as its weakness because Pakistan's defence is super strong with its armed forces fully capable to defend every inch of the motherland.
They suggested that India should give a serious consideration to Pakistan's offer for talks. In case of war, result would be nothing but destruction. Meanwhile, president of Pakistan Businessmen and Intellectuals Forum (PBIF) Mian Zahid Hussain stressed that Pakistan and India have to solve their problems on the table for the sake of their country's prosperity. He said peace and stability are a must to resolve the problems such as poverty, and unemployment.
He said Pakistan Army is the number one army of the world and had full capacity to defend its borders. He said that timely response by the Pakistan Air Force showed Pakistan's supremacy over India and the unmatched capacity of our armed forces.
He said Indians' cowardly violated the LoC in Azad Kashmir, tried to crackdown on Balakot village was successfully repulsed by Pakistan Air Force. He noted that Indian planes dropped their payload (additional fuel tanks and explosive material) for saving their lives that hit the trees and made them wreckage.
He said Indian claim to have destroyed the militant sanctuary in so-called surgical strike 2 was nothing but a lie like its claim of previous fake strike.
Mian Zahid said the business community supports Pakistan armed forces who acted against the violation of airspace. He noted there have been 18 major attacks during the tenure of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and all were aimed against Pakistan but no concrete evidence could be presented, so far.
PBIF president cited that Pakistani government condemned the Pulwama attack and Prime Minister Khan offered full support in its investigation, which the Indian government rejected without amu reason. He lamented that India didn't reciprocate Pakistan's peacefulness and tolerant sense of compassion and acted insanely triggering an instant crushing response from Pakistan.
"India will have to think seriously for peace in the region. There is no victory in the war. Humanity loses and it is impossible to troubleshoot," he said.
Mian Zahid thanked God Almighty for unmatched unity and harmony among Pakistani government, armed forces, all political parties and 220 million people of Pakistan who unanimously committed to defend the country. Citing this unwavering unity, he said, nations of the world should not forget that Pakistanis share this belief that protection of the country is their duty. He said Pakistani nation is capable to prevent Indian jackals from attacks. He warned that Indian warmongering poses serious threat to the entire world, let alone South Asia.

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