Punjab Assembly passes three bills, congratulates PAF

28 Feb, 2019

The Punjab Assembly on Wednesday passed The Punjab Skill Development Authority Bill 2018, The Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (Amendment) Bill 2018, The Punjab Board of Technical Education (Amendment) Bill 2018 and The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Secretariat Employees Bill 2019 unanimously. All the amendments proposed by opposition were rejected by Law Minister Raja Basharat.
The House also unanimously passed a resolution congratulating Pakistan Armed Forces for successfully giving answer to India on violation of Line of Control. The Pakistan Air Force destroyed two Indian Air Force planes which entered Pakistan. The IAF pilot was also taken into custody by Pakistani forces.
The resolution demanded the world community through federal government that it should take notice of Indian government's act of winning upcoming elections by putting the peace of world at stake.
While giving answer of a question of PTI MPA Uzma Kardar during question hour regarding sanitation policy of Punjab, Minister Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Mian Mahmood-ur-Rasheed said that the government has prepared a policy which will be presented in the next cabinet meeting. Speaker Punjab Assembly Pervez Elahi constituted a committee comprising of members from opposition and treasury benches under Law Minister Raja Basharat for the empowerment of the standing committees of Punjab Assembly.

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