Media urged to highlight Sindh's positive image

25 Feb, 2019

Adviser to Sindh Chief Minister on Information & Archives, Law, and Anti-Corruption Establishment Barrister Murtaza Wahab said on Sunday that by covering the Sindh Literature Festival media should highlight the positive image of the country, especially Sindh.
The Adviser said that the large attendance today proved the success of Sindh Literature Festival. Barrister Murtaza Wahab said this while addressing as Chief Guest the "Meet the Sindh Session" on the concluding day of third Sindh Literature Festival at a local hotel. He said that it was the Assembly of Sindh that first passed the resolution of Pakistan.
He said that this was the fourth time that the people of Sindh voted for PPP to govern the province. The Adviser said that the government of PPP will take stand for the rights of the people Sindh at every forum.
He said that the Sindh government is not against the process of accountability but the accountability should be impartial and unbiased. Barrister Murtaza Wahab said that the Federal government had reduced by Rs 106bn the NFC award of the Sindh. He said that Sindh's water was stolen quite number of times in the past. Even sufficient electricity and the gas were not being provided to Sindh.
The Adviser said that Sindh government had already filed a petition in the Supreme Court against the decision of handing over of the health facilities of Sindh to the federal government. He told that the total budget of the NICVD has reached to Rs 12bn. He said that the Sindh government was doing its utmost to provide best possible facilities to the people of the province.

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