Visit of MBS will bring economic revolution: Janoo

21 Feb, 2019

Abdul Rahim Janoo former SVP FPCCI and chairman Baba Farid Free Eye Camps has said that visit of Saudi crown prince will bring economic revolution in our country and this will be helpful to motivate the foreign investors for investment in various sectors of Pakistan and entire business community stands with government for a prospective sand shining Pakistan. With arrival of Muhammad bin Salman, Pakistan's soft image will further improved that we are a peaceful nation, he added.
He said that the address of Prime Minister of Imran Khan brought a positive impact. Business community is united under the leadership of Aqeel Karim Dhedi and they are standing with the prime minister and PTI government and always ready to face every situation. Abdul Rahim Janoo along with Aqeel Karim Dhedi was also invited by the President of Pakistan on Monday at the lunch reception in honour of Saudi Crown Prince, Muhammad bin Salman.-PR

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