Modi's game-plan has failed to work

21 Feb, 2019

India under Narendra Modi is all set to cause harm to region's peace. His belligerence knows no bounds. Little does he, however, realize that his game-plan has failed; and it has failed miserably for the entire Sangh Parivar in which his party, the BJP, is finding it extremely difficult to effectively deal with the upcoming general election challenge; hence the need for raising the anti-Pakistan ante with a view to appeasing party supporters alienated by BJP-led NDA coalition government's failure to deliver following its victory in the 2014 elections. Modi knows well that his 'Pakistan's isolation diplomatically' slogan is no longer attractive for even its core support base because of the fact that the US-Pakistan relationship has received a major boost following convergence of interests between Islamabad and Washington in relation to peace in Afghanistan. There are some other global realities that dispute Modi's anti-Pakistan harangue in a highly effective and meaningful manner.

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