Kaira says grant of bail to Shahbaz good development

15 Feb, 2019

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Punjab President Qamar Zaman Kaira has said that the grant of bail to Shahbaz Sharif is a good development. He said the bail of Shahbaz Sharif would add pressure on the government. Also, he added, it should be a moment of ponder for the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).
He said NAB had not completed its homework before arresting Shahbaz Sharif.
Meanwhile, Secretary Information PPP Punjab and parliamentary leader in the Punjab Assembly Hassan Murtaza criticized federal and provincial Information ministers and Minister for Railways for their abusive language.
He said all three of them would prove suicide bombers to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, as a common Pakistani is also getting offended due to their abusive language.
He said increase in electricity and gas bills has played havoc with a common man. The PPP would protest in case the government increased it further on the dictation from the IMF, he added. He said the government intriguing against freedom of expression under the garb of social media regulations.

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