APCNGA rejects frequent closure of stations

15 Feb, 2019

The All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) on Thursday said the government had failed to handle the critical gas sector which was resulting in repeated emergencies hitting masses and damaging the fragile economy. "We reject the decision of the government to keep CNG stations closed for seven consecutive days which has damaged this sector and left many jobless," Central Chairman of APCNGA Brig Iftikhar Ahmed (retd) said.
The gas crisis was not only detrimental for the economy but was also sending a negative message to the foreign investors, he added. Brig Iftikhar Ahmed (retd) said the government had decided to reopen CNG stations on Feb 13 but now the date had been extended to Feb 17 which indicated the incompetence of the officials concerned.
He said the CNG sector should not be compromised to benefit some influential lobbies and the issue of gas scarcity should be resolved on a sustainable basis. The CNG sector leader said that some officials were also dancing on the tune of oil mafia and destroying the CNG industry in a systematic manner.
He said CNG was Rs450 billion's industry, which paid the highest tariff for gas and paid for RLNG in advance but it was being targeted for ulterior motives which would be resisted. The government has been trying to lure foreign investors while the CNG industry is being devastated in his tenure which is sending a negative signal to the investors including those foreign companies which have plans to invest substantially in the CNG sector.

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