Food & Agro Park may bring $10 million investment, says minister

14 Feb, 2019

Punjab Industries and Trade Minister Mian Aslam Iqbal has said that US $10 million investment is expected after establishing Food and Agro Park in Punjab.
He expressed these views while addressing a meeting held at Punjab Investment Board on Wednesday. The meeting discussed a proposal of establishing Food and Agro Park. Punjab Finance Minister Makhdom Hashim Jawan Bakht, Punjab Agriculture Minister Noman Ahmed Laghrial, Punjab Irrigation Minister Mohsin Laghari, Senior Member Board of Revenue, Chairman Pakistan Business Council and concerned secretaries attended the meeting.
He also said that traditional and outdated agriculture will also be changed and latest agricultural technology will be promoted. Latest knowledge and technology will also be transferred to Punjab through this project (Food and Agro Park).
While addressing the meeting, the Industries Minister said that investment-friendly atmosphere has been created in the Punjab and all possible facilities are being provided to the local and foreign investors. "New investment is coming due to solid measures taken by the government," he added.
Meanwhile, a delegation of industrialists and businessmen from Gujranwala called on Mian Aslam Iqbal. The delegation comprising former presidents of Gujranwala chamber Saeed Ahmed Taj, Khawaja Zarar Kaleem and Sonex Chairman Group Akhlaq Ahmed Tarar apprised the Minister of problems facing Gujranwala industry.
Iqbal assured the solution of their problems and said that industrialists and traders have pivotal role to boost the economy, therefore it is the responsibility of the government to solve their problems.

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