PIA engineers' performance lauded

11 Feb, 2019

PIA flight PK 752 after reaching Oslo from Lahore on February 6, couldn't take off for return journey due to technical fault in its engine. The local airlines technical staff was contacted, and they refused to work after the initial checking. The reason given was heavy snowfall and severe winter in Oslo which was much below the freezing point.
Though, PIA's engineering team in Pakistan advised the foreign engineers for 3-4 hrs rectification job after their analysis but upon refusal by them PIA 's engineering team flew to Oslo from Pakistan. They along with necessary equipment boarded PK 757 for London via Oslo.
The engine fault was rectified by PIA engineers in 3-4 hours under extreme weather conditions. The grounded aircraft took off for return via Copenhagen after repair with delay of 30 hours on February 8. Meanwhile, more than 200 passengers on board were provided hotel accommodation and were well looked after. CEO Air Marshal Arshad Malik on this extraordinary and beyond the call of duty performance has appreciated engineers, PIA Oslo manager and ground handling staff with special commendations.-PR

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