CPEC projects: CS directs for effective, comprehensive roadmap

22 Jan, 2019

Chief Secretary Yousaf Naseem Khokhar has directed the Chairman Planning and Development to prepare an effective and comprehensive roadmap for projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as early as possible. He passed these orders while presiding over the first meeting of Punjab CPEC Progress Review Committee at Civil Secretariat.
The Chief Secretary said that the aim and objective to constitute the committee is to speed up pace of work on CPEC projects in the province. He ordered the Chairman P&D to set up a special cell in his department for better coordination.
He opined that the CPEC would usher in a new era of progress and prosperity in Pakistan. He maintained that the government is implementing a comprehensive development plan in the fields of health and education. He added that under CPEC industrial cooperation, establishment of industrial parks, improvement of infrastructure and agriculture sector is being given special attention. He directed that consultation on CPEC projects with all stakeholders, especially business groups, be completed soon.

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