Pakistan Green beat Indian team to win Kabaddi Taakra

14 Jan, 2019

Pakistan Green Kabaddi team defeated India by 40-29 to clinch the title of International Kabaddi Taakra at Punjab Stadium on Sunday. The third place went to Pakistan White team which toppled Iran by a margin of 31-24. Musharraf Janjua and Jaabar Kamboh were adjudged best stopper and raider of main final match respectively. In the 3rd/4th place clash, the honours of best stopper and raider were grabbed by Nafees Gujjar and Irfan Mana respectively. Rs 16 lakh cash prizes were given to participating teams.
Pakistan Green team showed great kabaddi skills and dominated the proceedings right from the beginning. Pakistan Green players Musharraf Janjua, Jaabar Kamboh, Shafiq Chishti, Khalid Bhatti demonstrated excellent performances in both raiding and stopping departments of game. At half time, Pakistan Green were leading by 23-15 points. Indian players also exhibited wonderful performance but they could not score enough points to win the game.
Indian skipper Partap Singh and his players Harjeet Singh, Sandeep Singh, Kuldeep Singh, Naresh and Mikki showed good form for their team. Thousands of kabaddi fans were there in the stadium to cheer the participating teams. Traditional dances of all four provinces were also presented on this occasion. Top folk singer Akram Rahi and other performers attracted the audience through their lively performances. Players of all the teams took round of stadium on 'bhaggis'. National anthems of Pakistan, Iran and Indian teams were also presented at the stadium.

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