US citizen pays $92,000 for hunting markhor in Chitral

14 Jan, 2019

A hunter from USA, who had arrived in Pakistan through a helicopter for hunting Markhor in the limits of Toshi Village Conservation Committee (VCC) in Chitral district, has been able to hunt a 44-inch trophy. Christopher from USA has paid an amount of US$92,000 to hunt Markhor (Capra Falconeri) - Pakistan's national animal - and Rs 10,000 for shooting license.
Another hunter from Switzerland, Stacky has paid Rs 145,000 to hunt an Ibex and Rs 10,000 for the shooting license. These hunting expeditions are monitored by village representatives, as well as government officials to ensure that laws are not broken.
Annually four hunting trophy licenses are being issued for Markhor hunting and 80 percent of total cost are being distributing among local community and 20 percent being depositing in public exchequer, according to Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Wildlife Muhammad Hussain.
There is no permission for legal hunting in Chitral Goal National Park. But social and political circle of Chitral have demanded of the government for allowing hunting trophy license in buffer areas of Chitral goal national park because the aged and ailing Markhors are already dying without any hunting or benefiting local communities. As well as some criminal people are also involved in illegal hunting of Markhors at these prohibited areas as recently one Markhor was hunted by Islam Baig illegally.
The wildlife officer said that if the government allows legal hunting in buffer areas in surrounding of Chitral goal national park for hunting of aged, ailing and weak Markhors who are already dying, it will be best both for public and government.
Residents of these buffer areas will be benefited from hunting trophy and they will feel ownership of these species and will protect them from illegal hunting, Hussain stressed.

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