IHC CJ deplores growing menace of nepotism

13 Jan, 2019

A good leader always puts his/her house in order first, said Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Athar Minallah. "For all types of leaders whether they belong to politics, judiciary, sports or any other discipline, attributes of good leadership are same," stated Chief Justice Minallah at a certificate awarding ceremony of a six-day training course on 'Leadership and Management' for district and sessions judges.
The ceremony was held here at Federal Judicial Academy (FJA) on Saturday which was attended by heads of district judiciary from all over Pakistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The IHC Chief Justice said when a leader is honest, his honesty has the trickle down effect, adding leadership and management training is vital for promoting and ensuring rule of law in the country.
"It is essential to be an effective leader so as to make an impact within your organisation. A single good leader can create an endless chain of social changes. First of all, a good leader always puts his or her house in order. District and sessions court judges are important leaders of judicial system because district judiciary is an important tier of the administration of justice system," he maintained.
Justice Athar also enlightened the participants about some of the important leadership qualities of good leaders which include honesty, integrity, inspiring others, good communicator, and decision-making capabilities, among others.
He said district and sessions judges as leaders must put in practice their leadership attributes to reform the district judiciary and ameliorate the plight of the litigant public who are the key stakeholders of the administration of justice system.
Lamenting the growing nepotism in society, he stated, "The menace of nepotism has become a way of life in our society. As leaders, district and sessions court judges must play the desired role to combat nepotism which has permeated into the very fabric of society."

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