Rally in support of Port Qasim workers' demands held

11 Jan, 2019

Trade unions, labour organizations and human rights activists took out a rally from Regal Chowk, Saddar to Karachi Press Club on Thursday in support of demands of the Port Qasim workers who are on strike for over three months.
Hundreds of workers led by PILER Director Karamat Ali, NTUF General Secretary Nasir Mansoor, veteran trade union leader Habibuddin Junaidi and Port Workers union general secretary Hussain Badshah marched on the streets of downtown against the high handedness of port authorities and a Chinese company.
Badshah while addressing the rally announced to hold a protest sit-in outside Parliament House in Islamabad this month, for which hundreds of workers would leave from Karachi soon. He said that despite of over 100 days on strike government is not listening to their genuine demands hence they are compelled to go to Islamabad and stage a sit-in in front of parliament house.
Karamat Ali said that the government should accept the demand of the workers without any delay, who were protesting for last 3 months. He urged the federal government to pay attention towards workers just demands. He paid rich tributes to the protesting workers of Port Qasim for their peaceful protest sit-in outside KPC for the last 108 days.-PR

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