'If wishes were horses...'

11 Jan, 2019

This is apropos a Business Recorder op-ed "If wishes were horses..." carried by the newspaper on Wednesday. The writer has, argued, among other things, that "We should have focused more on agro-industries rather than engineering industries. Also, we should have taken the maximum advantage of strategic location by promoting trans-shipment or warehouse economy rather than wasting precious resources on setting up industries that eventually became sick for reasons discussed above. And we criminally neglected the education sector. Lastly, our private sector over the years has consistently failed to shoulder its entrepreneurial responsibilities in a free market economy; instead it had acted more like a rent seeker."
There is no denying the fact that our successive governments have miserably failed to create the right economic roadmap since the creation of the country over seven decades ago. As a result of which we have failed to cash in on the opportunity that agriculture offered to us particularly when more water and more agriculture land were available for us to usher in a revolution of higher agri output and agri-industry in the country. Shifting focus to agriculture industry now however still makes a greater sense. Agri-industry is a form or modern farming that envisages industrialized production of livestock, poultry, fish, and crops.

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