DHQ Sheikhupura hospital's head suspended over unavailability of drugs

07 Jan, 2019

Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar ordered suspension of Incharge District Headquarters Hospital Sheikhupura on complaints of patients that free medicines were not available in the hospital and the patients have to buy medicine privately. The CM paid a surprise visit to the hospital with only two vehicles without any protocol on Sunday. He visited different wards to see patients and enquired about their health and facilities being provided to them.
Buzdar expressing displeasure over non-availability of free medicines said that the government was providing billions of rupees for free medicines, but still these were not being provided to the poor patients in the government hospitals.
He said that the PTI government was determined to improve medical facilities in the hospitals and he would continue to visit hospitals for this purpose. This is your government and CM is yours, so every needful step will be taken for your welfare, he made promise to patients.
Later on CM also paid surprise visit to District Prison Sheikhupura. He visited the barracks of women and men as well as Jail kitchens where he inspected the quality of food cooked for prisoners. He also visited hospital of Jail to see patients and gave instructions for immediate measures for the treatment of 3 prisoners. He expressed displeasure on the absence of doctor at the hospital. He scolded superintendent Jail over the complaint of a prisoner about not providing them with pillows. "Under which law prisoner patients are not given pillows?" he enquired angrily.
He directed to shift some patients to another hospital for their proper treatment. He also asked women prisoners about their problems and assured them that if they let him know about any issue, it will be resolved immediately. CM directed to install lights outside their barracks and large TVs to replace small ones in the barracks. He assured the prisoners that strict action will be taken against anyone who has demanded money from them as bribe.

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