First National Ability Sports Festival concludes

30 Nov, 2018

The first National Ability Sports Festival proved to be an effective platform in bringing together over 500 disabled sportspeople across Pakistan to showcase their sporting talent at the Islamia College Peshawar on Wednesday and Thursday. Organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Friends of Paraplegics, among other partners, the event was part of the upcoming celebrations to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3.
The sports men and women, from across Pakistan, were thrilled to be part of games like wheelchair cricket, wheelchair table tennis, and basketball among others. Sadar Ayub, who is a paraplegic sportsperson and Captain of Punjab wheelchair cricket team, was excited to be part of the national event and said "coming to this event reminded us all that we have more abilities than disabilities."
Head of the ICRC office in Peshawar Giovanni Trambiolo thanked and congratulated all the teams for participating in the National Ability Sports Festival. "These people have shown to the world that provided with opportunity, their disability is never a hindrance in fulfilling their dreams."
Engineer Irfanullah from the Friends of Paraplegics, an organization working with and comprising of paraplegic patients, thanked the participants, the media, residents of Peshawar and the players for making the event a success.
"We have witnessed people coming together to support and encourage us, which is extremely motivating. Now there is no going back." The event received support from Paraplegic Centre Hayatabad, Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Islamia College Peshawar, Akbar Kare Institute, Chal Foundation, Toyota Pakistan, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and more than forty disabled people organizations.
The ICRC has been providing physical rehabilitation services in Pakistan since 1982. Currently, the ICRC supports 26 physical rehabilitation centres run by its partners across the country. By the end of 2018, more than 50,000 people will have received rehab services from these centres.
The ICRC also strives to provide social and economic inclusion opportunities to the disabled people by supporting sports events, educational and vocational trainings.

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