Partly Facetious : Little John is Fawad Chaudhry?

28 Nov, 2018

"I mean one really doesn't know what's gonna come out of his mouth next."
"I do, reference is made to thieves, no that's too mild a word, dacoits... and there is little doubt that the arrow is aimed at party leadership, you know the A graders and in this country the A graders of any party consist of one family..."
"Who in the world did you think I was talking about?"
"The Khan or his band of merry men and let's see The Khan sees himself as Robin Hood, Little John is probably Fawad Chaudhry who is his faithful lieutenant and..."
"I thought Fawad Chaudhry was Friar Tuck, you know the slightly rotund..."
"I can't concede that - the role of Friar Tuck, you know with spiritual overtones, to the best of my knowledge, which is extremely limited, belongs to Bushra Bibi."
"So who is Maid Marion?"
"Mrs Khan III."
"Bushra Bibi and Mrs Khan III? Really?"
"She wears two hats and it's her dual role that you must appreciate, it's not easy I am sure and the nation appreciates her efforts to..."
"Oh dear, and who is the Sheriff of Nottingham? You know the guy who tried unsuccessfully to apprehend Robin Hood in the ballad."
"Well, before The Khan became the country's chief executive, it was Nawaz Sharif, before him it was Zardari sahib, now I am not so sure...."
"Why can't it be both these men?"
"Because the Sheriff of Nottingham controlled the National Accountability Bureau and he was the judge..."
"Hmmm, reminds me of the days of the military adventurers... but seriously there was no NAB at that time and..."
"Right, but what I meant was officialdom was with the Sheriff."
"That's true, anyway when I said I don't know what's gonna come out of his mouth next I was referring to The Donald."
"Not Duck right?"
"No, Donald Trump who said after Brexit the UK won't be able to trade with the US... kind of shows he is not with it doesn't it!"
"I like the guy - he provides some comic relief to a world of rising conflict."

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