Garlic helps fight cold and flu

11 Jan, 2019

KARACHI: Garlic has been used for both food and medicinal purposes. Rich in useful minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and iron, the ancient herb has diverse health benefits. This ingredient found commonly in every kitchen can also be very beneficial in fighting colds and flu, according to a study.

Belonging from Allium family, garlic is closely related to onion and leeks. Having a very strong smell, the sulfur compound that gets formed when a garlic clove is crushed or chopped, has proven to be very beneficial for health. Garlic is also very nutritious and has very few calories.

It contains compounds that fight germs and helps to boost the immunity. Sulfur present in the garlic boosts the disease-fighting response of some types of white blood cells in the body when it comes in contact with any kind of viruses, which causes common cold and flu.

Garlic can very beneficial in preventing cold and flu. As per studies, garlic not only prevents one from falling sick, it also reduces the severity of symptoms. If you are a frequent victim of cold and flu, eating garlic on regular basis can prevent your illness.

The benefit of garlic depends on the way it is processed and prepared. The enzyme alliinase which converts the alliin present in the garlic into allicin works only under certain conditions. Excessive heating of garlic may reduce the effect of the alliinase. While cooking food it is always advisable to use more than one clove of garlic.

Copyright PPI (Pakistan Press International), 2019

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