Achakzai gears up campaign for FPCCI's top slot

18 Nov, 2018

Engineer Daroo Khan Achakzai, the nominated presidential candidate of United Business Group (UBG) for Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) for the term of 2019, has started his election campaign. Daroo Khan Achakzai, who hails from Chaman (Balochistan) and has already served as Vice President of FPCCI, told Business Recorder that he is holding meetings with the business community friends vying for the presidential slot.
He said his opponent, who is also from Balochistan, has no footing in the business community. Daroo Khan, who was in Islamabad on Saturday, said that he finalised election strategy with the guidance of UBG leaders Iftikhar Malik and SM Munir. Daroo, who got engineering degree from NED University of Engineering, is a very active member and playing an important role in resolution of issues of businessmen. He is also the member of Pakistan Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PAJCCI).
He has played active role in bringing the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan on the negotiation table to sort out trade related issues. The decision to nominate Daroo Khan as candidate for the slot of president FPCCI was taken by the UBG at its central core committee meeting held in Lahore at the residence of Iftikhar Ali Malik.
During the last ten years, Daroo Khan performed following responsibilities: (i) Chief Executive of Daroo Khan and Brother Trading Company, Chaman; (ii) owner of a Franchise of Pakistan Telenore (Pvt), Chaman (Balochistan); (iii) Director Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) Board; (iv) Vice President Pakistan Afghan Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PAJCCI); (v) Vice President, Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) 2009-10 and 2012; (vi) lifetime member of SAARC Chamber of Commerce & Industry; (vii) member of Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Coordination Authority (APTTCA) constituted by Commerce Ministry; (viii) Member, Pakistan Engineering Council; (ix) President, Chaman Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( 2007-18) and ( 2013-14); (x) member National Committee ECO Chamber of Commerce and Industry; (xi) and member EC SAARC CCI 2018-19.

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