World needs tolerance greater than ever: Bilawal

17 Nov, 2018

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Friday said that the world needs tolerance greater than ever because the right winged politics across the world has wreaked havoc and rocked the foundation of basic civilized society. In his message issued here on the occasion of World Tolerance Day, which is commemorated on November 16 every year, he said that since the Global Village of today has promoted immense opportunities for a reciprocal dialogue but at the same moment, it has also allowed emerging of variety of challenges that pertain to peaceful and tranquil society.
The PPP chairman said that it is only because of the right-winged politics that a prominent section of the society has been divided into smaller factions owing to that the world is seriously lacking the spirit and unity, efforts and mechanism for the alleviation of poverty, illiteracy and hunger. In addition, different local and international disputes have arisen, instead.
Bilawal said that tolerance is an integrated part of Islamic teachings and the basis of world peace lies in tolerance and tranquility.
He said that his party, PPP, is the custodian of norms and values of a civilized society through peace and tranquility. The party has suffered a lot at the hands of extremists but never resorted to any fight-back of vengeance despite all the losses, and the party also never resorted to politics of vengeance in retaliation to political atrocities and injustices and has always kept the doors open for the reconciliation and tolerating each other.
He said that it was dynamic platform of politics, which has embraced all sections of life inclusive of religious, ethnic, different communal and cultural entities alike and hence it provides the vast canvass to all with peace, love, respect and tolerance.-PR

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