ART FACTS: Defending the oppressed

10 Nov, 2018

What the oppressed and the downtrodden have in common is misery. Another way of looking at it could be that anyone on the wrong side of the power equation would be at the receiving end, regardless of gender, race, religion or any other identity. Political power, religion, and ideologies have all been abused to suppress dissent, to deny rights and to ensure longevity of the ascendant creed, and the status-quo.
Shahid Rassam, through his powerful paintings and installations, has called for an end to oppression in his current solo exhibition titled "Kafir" at Sanat Gallery, Karachi. Based on his conviction for effective communication, Rassam believes that education to acquire knowledge and awareness can alleviate the prevalent frustrations associated with chauvinist attitudes.
Although the term 'Kafir' refers to an infidel person, Rassam narrates various connotations adopted for the subjugation of the weak and the voiceless. Here word 'Kafir' means refusal to face unpleasant facts and deny the reality while word 'Kafar' means gorgeous. Hence denial can be of anything such as rights or privileges.
For more than two hundred years different poets of the sub-continent use these two words in their poetry from Mir, Ghalib, Josh, Madni, Faiz, Faraz and many more. Rassam inspired by the great poets, especially Ghalib, while portraying the vivid dreams of humanity. What Ghalib has said two hundred years ago in his poetry Rassam portrayed it through his paintings and installations.
"Being an artist, I feel it's my duty to raise the questions. As an artist, I believe that the pain I feel is expressed through my paintings. I have to paint what I see, what I feel. I am not a preacher but an artist," he said while elaborating his current series of work. His paintings cry out for shedding obsolete academic curriculum and patrimonial thinking before it is too late!
Deploying symbolism generously, Rassam in his seasoned genus of surrealism has effectively demonstrated the woes of the oppressed who are constantly intimidated and beaten down by the self-appointed guardians of faith, state, and the value system.
He has also painted paintings titled 'Kafir Gharyaan'. While interpreting his work, Rassam says, "I will not explain what I have painted but the nude imagery is also a reflection of how we were sent into this world. I will quote Ghalib: Avert your gaze, if you cannot behold Cover your eyes if you like, I am the naked truth"
Over time, Rassam has practiced and experimented with various mediums like, oil painting, watercolour, acrylic, mixed media, sculptures in gun-metal, newsprint drawings with charcoal and the mono-print technique. Eminent art historian and critic Dr. Akbar Naqvi (late) has authored "Sense and Insanity", a book about his work and life, which was published in 2016. It was Dr. Naqvi's last book among others which he authored during his career. (The writer can be reached at

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