Insulting someone in UAE or even calling them ‘stupid’ can land you in jail

10 Jan, 2019

Insulting someone or even calling them 'stupid' as a joke is considered a crime in the UAE, which can end up the offender in jail for a year along with a fine.

Article 373 of UAE's federal penal code says that anyone whose statements affect another's 'honor' or'dignity' will be liable to pay a fine of Dh10,000. The offender will also have to serve one year jail term, Khaleej Times reported

In the past year, two UAE citizens have already faced trial for insulting their friends. A man called a woman, who he wanted to propose, stupid over a WhatsApp message. The woman filed a case against him after which he was fined with Dh20,000.

Mahmoud Azab, lawyer and consultant at Al Wasl International Group, said that punishments differ depending whether they were delivered through social media or face to face. He added that punishment on insulting someone through social media will be given in accordance with the federal penal code.

Whereas, punishment given for insulting someone through social media will be in accordance with the federal law combating cybercrimes.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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