Provocative statements of Indian leadership can jeopardize regional peace: FM

05 Jan, 2019

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi says the provocative and negative statements of Indian leadership, being given under domestic political compulsions, can jeopardize regional peace.

Talking to media in Islamabad on Saturday, he said Pakistan is a peace loving country having no aggressive designs against any one.

He said Pakistan wants resolution of all outstanding issues, including Kashmir through peaceful means.

The Foreign Minister said Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Islamabad's desire for peace should not be taken as weakness and any misadventure against Pakistan will be responded in a befitting manner.

He said Pakistan has the capability to respond to any aggressive act within no time.

The Minister said Pakistan is focusing on peace efforts to bring stability to Afghanistan as per desire of the international community. He said Indian propaganda machine may force Pakistan to divert its attention from Afghanistan, which can be disastrous for peace in the region.

He urged the international community to convey the India leadership to refrain from negative propaganda. He said Pakistan wants peace, stability, and progress of the region, which is not possible in a hostile environment.

Copyright PPI (Pakistan Press International), 2019

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