Peshawar operation 120 Afghans among 300 suspects held

12 Apr, 2016

Police claimed on Monday that they have arrested at least 300 suspected people including 120 Afghan nationals during a search operation against terrorists in Peshawar's suburb areas. According to details, police have conducted a search operation in Hayatabad, Sarband, Hashtnagri and suburb areas of the provincial capital and rounded up at least 300 suspected persons. Police have also recovered 13 rifles, 12 pistols and at least 1500 rounds from the suspects possessions.
The nabbed suspects included 120 Afghan nationals who were illegally residing in the area. Police has started probe of their documents. Police raided the areas of Hayatabad, Yakka Toot and City Circular road as a result of which 300 suspects including illegally residing 127 Afghan nationals were detained. Police have said that 37 people were arrested over tenancy act violation. The documents of the detainees are being checked whereas others presented before a magistrate.

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