African currencies week ahead: Nigerian naira seen rising on parallel market, others steady

27 Mar, 2016

Nigeria's naira was expected to strengthen slightly against the dollar next week on the parallel market, while several other African currencies were expected to hold steady.
"We see the tightening of liquidity by the central bank curbing speculations on the forex market and reduce pressure on the naira," Aminu Gwadabe, head of Nigeria association of bureaux de change said.
"We expect a calm session after holidays as local importers settle down after the long Easter holidays," said Accra-based Dortis Research analyst Joseph Biggles Amponsah.
At 0820 GMT on Thursday, commercial banks quoted the currency of Africa's second-biggest copper producer at 11.3300 to the dollar, up from a close of 11.3400 a week ago. "Markets remain flooded with the (dollars) as most corporates continue to convert," analysts at BancABC, the local branch of Atlas Mara, said in a note.

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