Blocky colours are back in shoes, and watch out for chunky soles

19 Mar, 2016

Together with industry experts, dpa has rounded up six of the biggest footwear trends for the upcoming fashion season.
Trend 1: Thick-soled shoes
Shoes have been getting taller for a while, and chunky soles continue to be a trend. Claudia Schulz from the German Shoe Institute, which analyses the latest trends in footwear, explains that silhouettes in general are getting wider.
Floor-length trousers made from loose, flowing materials are becoming more and more popular. "This means shoes need to have more volume," explains Schulz. "This can be achieved with thick, chunky soles."
Trend 2: Multi-faceted materials
Mixing different materials, shapes and colours is another key trend: anything is possible this season. As trend analyst Niels Holger Wien explains, "mixing materials is something we are seeing more and more of."
Cloth is mixed with leather, synthetic materials and decorative touches such as fringes and embroidery. Wien's favourite example is a pair of sandals with a rubber sole, leather straps, braiding and a metal clasp.
Trend 3: Block colours
Block-colour sneakers, where the shoe is all one colour, are the look of now. Bright colour blocking is in, including red, orange or green. White sneakers haven't gone away, which is good news for all those who invested in a pair last season.
Trend 4: Light colours
The GDS Trade Fair for Shoes in Dusseldorf, Germany has identified the smart and tender trend.
"It's all about lightness and freshness," says Wien. Shapes are reduced and materials such as mesh and woven fabric are used. White and pastel tones dominate. A pair of light-coloured derby shoes or slip-ons in blue and white work well.
Stylist Ines Mayrose also explains that the trend is to go sockless when wearing slip-ons. Showing off your ankles is in, especially by wearing shorts.
Trend 5: All natural
Bohemian and natural styles are important this season according to Wien. When it comes to colours, "neutral is key." Grey, beige and cognac, as well as green and blue tones are in.
"Blue will be a key colour for men," says Schulz. The shoes should also look handmade, for example with special stitching. Suede and jacquard fabric is used a lot. Braids and fringes add to the trend.
Fringes are not always flattering however, explains Meyrose, as they can appear a bit too cowboy in style.
Trend 6: Multicultural
Presented at the GDS Trade Fair, this trend is about athleticism mixed with multicultural and ethnic influences.
"It has a lot to do with escapism," explains Wien, taking a pair of sandals with African-inspired braids as an example. The trend scout has also identified ankle boots as a key part of the trend - a low boot for warmer climates, influenced by Chelsea and cowboy boots. The upper part of the boot is narrow, adds Meyrose, making the legs appear longer when worn with a skirt or a dress.

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