How to promote a neighbourly and brotherly relation

19 Mar, 2016

Iran and Pakistan are two neighbouring countries that enjoy historical and brotherly relations. Iran is the first country that recognised the independence of Pakistan and from the beginning of relations till now there has not been any dark point in the bilateral relations. The sense of Brotherhood that is felt in the hearts of the two nations has fruits like nothing else.
It gives me a pleasure to invite lovely people of Pakistan to tour Iran scenic nature and historical sites as others are flowing to Iran to enjoy the beauty of its nature and warmth of its people. When people come and go, they discover the opportunities for trade and investment, so our governments should pave the ground for SMEs to work with each other to form economical bonds. Maybe a bank with investment arm can help develop such trade and investment ties with lower bureaucracy and some trust coming from chambers of commerce in both countries.
Europeans find Iran a secure place grow and contribute to the growth of the region, so why not business people from Pakistan. We can start by developing regions near the borders. We should work together to make sure that people in that region have decent lives and jobs. President Rouhani's visit provides an opportunity for private sector in both countries to express their willingness to work for creating an economic bridge between two countries. We should also state our capabilities andcapacities for all that is needed to flourish our economic relationship.
So, let's hope for a brotherly relationship and plan a road map for it.God help us all in our endeavour, leading us to the best way for glory of Islam and Muslims in global prosperity.
Mohsen Jallalpour Iran's Chamber of Commerce President

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