Bahria university students visit KE's Korangi Combined Cycle Plant

15 Mar, 2016

K-Electric continues its effort to educate the young leaders of tomorrow and hosted Bahria University Karachi's students at one of their power plants located in Korangi. These students and faculty members visited Korangi's Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP 220 MW) which was part of a knowledge sharing platform engaging these young engineering students.
According to K-Electric's press statement the purpose of the visit was to help out students of the Electrical Engineering Department to have a better understanding of the practical aspect of the theory that they studied during their curriculum. KE spokesperson added "The students were given a brief about safety induction and history of the Korangi Combined Cycle Power Plant. This was followed by visits to various electrical installations, control room and monitoring areas and we as a responsible corporate entity believe that we have to give back to our society which is part of our work ethic".
The faculty members appreciated the time and effort that KE was putting in for the benefit of students. The faculty members also showed interest in initiating a long-term collaboration with K-Electric in order to better facilitate their passing out engineering graduates.-PR

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