Extortion calls: KP CM writes letter to Centre

08 Mar, 2016

In view of the discomfort and insecurity in the business community on account of across the border extortion calls and other related issues, the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak in a letter has asked the Federal Government that the incidents of terrorism have decreased considerably, however, the issue of extortion has again cropped up and the major group involved in the extortion is one operating from across the border which is evident from the fact that currently 98 percent of extortion calls being received are originating from Afghanistan where we neither have any access nor the jurisdiction to operate.
The letter addressed to the Federal Minister for Interior said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province being located adjacent to the tribal areas and Afghanistan is facing the major brunt of infiltration of militants and subversive activities. The Zarb-e-Azb operation and the implementation of National Action Plan have considerably improved the situation.
It said that a meeting may kindly be convened at the earliest to discuss the following agenda points. "Blocking of Afghan SIMs and its spill-over signals in Pakistan including closing of mobile network towers near Pak-Afghan Border, Proper border management (border gate etc) at Torkham, and other entry points for stopping the infiltration of illegal Afghans.
Full deployment of Frontier Constabulary on border between Settled Areas and FATA (the deficiency on account of deployment of FC in ICT and Karachi has not been compensated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa). Therefore provision (rising) of 45 FC Platoons, re-enforcement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police by providing funds for raising 1000 Special Force.
Taking up the issue with the Government of Afghanistan through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for taking appropriate action against the persons involved in extortion in Pakistan. Establishment of Karakorum Security Force for protection of Chinese and other commuters travelling from Gilgit to other parts of the country KKH. Ban on live coverage of terrorist incidents.
Provision of Rs 66.280 billion as special financial package for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for capacity building of police, extension of laws to PATA and provision of Rangers for security of Peshawar and Revival of executive magistracy as decided in CCI", the letter concluded.

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