Major powers team up to tell China of concerns over new laws

02 Mar, 2016

The United States, Canada, Germany, Japan and the European Union have written to China to express concern over three new or planned laws, including one on counterterrorism, in a rare joint bid to pressure Beijing into taking their objections seriously.
The US, Canadian, German and Japanese ambassadors signed a letter dated January 27 addressed to State Councillor and Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun, voicing unease about the new counterterrorism law, the draft cyber security law, and a draft law on management of foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs). In what sources said was a co-ordinated move, the ambassador of the European Union Delegation to China, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, sent a letter expressing similar concerns, dated January 28.
Reuters reviewed copies of both letters. The cyber security and counterterrorism laws codify sweeping powers for the government to combat perceived threats, from widespread censorship to heightened control over certain technologies. Critics of the counterterrorism legislation, for one, say that it could be interpreted in such a way that even non-violent dissidents could fall within its definition of terrorism.
The four ambassadors said areas of the counterterrorism law, which the National People's Congress passed in December, were vague and could create a "climate of uncertainty" among investors. They did not specify which areas. The EU ambassador used the same phrase to describe the law's impact, and both letters expressed an interest in engaging with China as it worked out implementing regulations around the law, to try to mitigate those concerns.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, asked about the letters, said all countries were enhancing their efforts to combat terrorism, and that he hoped other countries would respect China's sovereignty. "The counterterrorism law will not affect relevant businesses' normal operations and it will not affect relevant personnel's legitimate interests," he told a daily news briefing, without elaborating. Guo could not be reached for comment. China's State Council Information Office and Ministry of Public Security did not respond to requests for comment.
While countries often give feedback on proposed legislation in China, the rare joint response by several major powers, and co-ordination with the EU, signals an increased readiness to lend weight of numbers to their argument. It also points to growing frustration that the low-key, individual approach taken in the past may not be working. "While we recognise the need for each country to address its security concerns, we believe the new legislative measures have the potential to impede commerce, stifle innovation, and infringe on China's obligation to protect human rights in accordance with international law," said a strongly-worded letter co-signed by the four ambassadors. China has defended the new and draft laws, saying such steps, including heightened censorship, were necessary to ensure stability in the country of over 1.3 billion people.

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