Governor Punjab visits OICCI

02 Mar, 2016

Governor Punjab Malik M Rafique Rajwana has assured OICCI to take up the issue of tax refunds with relevant authorities declaring it the main issue that affects the liquidity of businesses. Terming the positive sentiments of the OICCI members in the surveys encouraging for the government, he assured OICCI of the government's wholehearted support in removing all the impediments to make Pakistan an investment destination of choice for foreign investors.
The Governor Punjab shared these views during his visit to OICCI Tuesday in which Senator Saleem Zia accompanied him. He was received by President Shahab Rizvi, Secretary General M Abdul Aleem and MC members Kimihide Ando, Aftab Husain and Zehra Naqvi. He thanked OICCI for inviting him to the Chamber and for discussing issues of member companies and assured his full support to resolve these issues. He appreciated the contribution of multinational companies towards the national exchequer and CSR for addressing health and education related needs of the local communities.
Rizvi, in his welcome address, mentioned that it was a great honour for OICCI that the Governor of the largest province of the country came to the OICCI for the first time and hoped that this interaction would continue in the future as well. He stressed the need for regulators to move towards regulatory oversight from the current 100% control environment for a more conducive business environment. Kimihide Ando suggested that Pakistan should allow mobile phones to be used by visiting Indian businessmen which would be seen as a positive message for doing business. M Abdul Aleem presented the profile and contribution of the OICCI of the Chamber. -PR

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