Medicines at health facilities: advisor seeks forecast of annual procurement requirements

14 Feb, 2016

The chief minister's health advisor Khawaja Salman Rafique has asked his executive district officers to furnish him with their complete forecast of yearly procurement requirements and ensure availability of all essential medicines at health facilities.
He was chairing a meeting at the Directorate General Health Services on Saturday, particularly pointed to reporting issues of E-VACCS and told them to ensure strict compliance and launch disciplinary action in case of further negligence. The Chief Minister Roadmap team also presented data analysis on key performance indicators.
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Secretary Ali Jan Khan called on the Health Department to work on devolving more powers to divisions to ensure the accountability and improvement of performance. Health Services Director General Mukhtar Hussain Syed then told the executive officers to complete and submit lists of paramedics and allied staff for rationalisation of promotions.
He said the director general's office had prepared a disease calendar to forecast and plan in advance. EPI Director Munir Ahmed also called on Lahore, Multan, DG Khan, RY Khan, Muzaffargarh, Rajanpur, Rawalpindi and Bahwalapur (Ahmedpur East) to finalise preparations for the Sub-National Immunisation Day starting on February 15. The representative of the Dengue Control Programme presented the data analysis of different cities, saying areas repeatedly showing cases had to be specifically focused.
The unit stressed that doctors trained for dengue be specially employed for dengue unit. The situation of H1N1 was also reviewed. The health secretary said adequate stock of Tamiflu tablets was available and vaccination of all hospitals' staff should be ensured.
Those also present were Punjab Health Services Director General Mukhtar Hussain Syed, officials of the Punjab Information Technology Board, Policy and Strategic Planning Unit, program managers, United Nations Children's Fund, World Health Organisation and international development partners.

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