BISP beneficiaries to get increased grant with arrears: Marvi

14 Feb, 2016

The grant to Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) beneficiaries has been increased from Rs 4500 to Rs 4700 per month from current financial year and they will begin receiving increased amount by next month. Chairperson BISP) Marvi Memon said this on Saturday while talking to the media persons at Badin Press Club. "Arrears of 8-months of current financial year at the rate of Rs 200 would also be paid next month," she said.
She further said that deaths of children in Thar had occurred due to malnutrition. "Coping with situation of shortage of food in Thar, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is holding talks with World Food Program his efforts will bear fruit soon," she said.
She said that on directives of the Prime Minister she was leaving for Thar where she would meet people and also offer condolence with families who lost their relatives because of famine. She said that she always became sad whenever she heard the deaths in Thar in meida. "All political parties should get united at single platform to extend help to the people of Thar," BISP Chairperson urged. Earlier, President Badin Press Club Malik Muhammad Illyas presented Ajrak to her.

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