Fake PPRO used: bid to get cleared cranberry beans, oats foiled

24 Jan, 2016

Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Appraisement East Saturday foiled an attempt to get cleared huge quantity of substandard cranberry beans, oats and barley on fake Plant Protection Certificate Release Order (PPRO); it is learnt. According to sources, credible information was received that six consignments of substandard quality cranberry beans, oats and barley were arrived at Karachi port and the importer and its clearing agent were submitting fake PPRO to clear these consignments.
Consequent upon the information, the profile and clearance record of the importer have been checked and PPRO certificates submitted by the importer were sent to the Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Food Security and Research, Government of Pakistan for confirming the veracity the certificates. Sources further said that the Department of Plant Protection through written communication had declared all six PPRO, submitted by the importer for his six consignments as fake.
It has therefore been established that the importer has knowingly and wilfully submitted above referred forged/fake PPRO certificate for clearance of unhygienic foods stuff in violation of Import Policy Order 2013 in force and has committed offence in terms of several sections of Customs Act 1969. Moreover, sources said that after the confirmation from the Department of Plant Protection case had been registered against the importer and its clearing agent and further investigation was in progress.

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