South Korea's NOFI passes in wheat tender, buys barley

17 Jan, 2016

South Korea's largest animal feed maker Nonghyup Feed Inc (NOFI) on Tuesday made no purchase in an international tender to buy up to 60,000 tonnes of feed wheat but bought 13,000 tonnes of feed barley, European traders said. Wheat prices offered were regarded as too high after wheat futures made a weak start to the new year, they said.
The lowest wheat offer was $179.86 per tonne c&f plus a $1.25 a tonne surcharge for additional port unloading, they said. The barley was purchased at $201 a tonne c&f plus and $1.25 a tonne surcharge for additional port unloading, they said. A lower barley offer was made but was apparently rejected because of other conditions attached to it, they said. Barley shipment is for February 28 to March 18 if from the US Pacific Northwest coast, Australia, Canada or India and February 8-27 if sourced from the US Gulf or Black Sea region, they said.

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