Message from Secretary Ports and Shipping Khalid Pervaiz

06 Jan, 2016

Ports always play vital role in the economy of any country. In the modem times its role has become more important than ever. Latest technology has brought revolution in every field of life and equally in this particular sector. KPT has come out a long way with flying colours through experience & service to the nation of around 130 years. Centenary celebrations of the KPT building is most well deserved. This being a landmark moment for KPT I would like to compliment the KPT team, headed by the Chairman Vice Admiral Shafqat Jawed for running the port matters so smoothly.
Karachi Port Trust is indeed the premier port of the nation and has always accepted the challenges since its inception in 1887 and massive developments since independence. After the creation of Pakistan this port gradually developed to acquire the technology that it required to handle cargo and facilitate the national trade.
Ports are a capital intensive sector and require humongous financing to realise the development goals and today through availability of private sector investments it has become achievable for the ports. This even led to creation of more national seaports which surely provides the cheapest mode of transportation to the trade community at large. Addition of new berths and refurbishing of old ones has made it more accommodative for larger ships and huge containers. Today, Karachi Port Trust is no less than any other modern port of the world. I congratulate KPT for the century old successful journey through service.

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