CM lauds CCL's contribution towards quality education

27 Dec, 2015

Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Qaim Ali Shah Saturday lauded the contribution of Cadet College Larkana for imparting quality education and character building of youth. This he said while addressing the 24th Annual Parents Day-2015, at Cadet College Larkana (CCL), as chief guest. Syed Qaim Ali Shah said the real power of any nation is knowledge and our institutions must impart it to the youth of the country so as to make them responsible and useful members of the society.
On the occasion, Chief Minister Sindh recalled the words of Former Prime Minister Shaheed Benazir Bhutto she had said 15 years back here that "Sell Weapons and buy pens". He appreciated Zarb-e-Azb and lauded the efforts of Armed Forces and affirmed that we will eliminate every evil from our beloved Country.
CM said the youth attach tremendous hopes with this Government and we are striving day and night to fulfil their aspirations. Addressing the cadets he said you should always remember that ideas without actions do not produce any result. "You should venture into the fields that no one had dared before and try to accomplish the most daunting tasks that make you, your parents, and institution and motherland proud", he added.
On the occasion, the CM Syed Qaim Ali Shah announced an amount of Rs 50 million for Cadet College Larkana. Earlier, the Principal and the Project Director of Cadet College Larkana (CCL) Larkana Lieutenant Colonel (R) Iftikhar Hussain presented welcome address and the annual report. He highlighted the achievements of the college and academic activities and co-curricular activities, pledging that no stone be left unturned to produce committed youth, duly equipped with good character and competence to make them able to shoulder the future responsibilities in best way in various walks of national life.
Besides, CM Syed Qaim Ali Shah also inaugurated the newly built Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Sports Stadium of the College. He also laid the Foundation Stone of Shahbaz Hostel (House). The Sindh CM also took round the College Library, Computer Lab, archives and Armed Forces Corner and inaugurated the science, arts and crafts exhibition at the campus.

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