Bilawal visits Bisma's family

27 Dec, 2015

Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP) Co-chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Saturday paid a visit to the family of late Bisma who died due to lack of in-time treatment following security protocol for Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah and Bilawal Bhutto's arrival in hospital. The PPP co-chairman has assured the grieving family of every possible help after the tragic loss. He offered his condolences to the bereaved family.
Bilawal visited Lyari and met the family of 10-year-old Bisma who died in hands of her father, Faisal earlier this week. Faisal was shifting her daughter to Civil Hospital when Sindh Chief Minister and Bilawal were inaugurating the trauma centre. Owing to the protocol, facilities were made unavailable to patients and Faisal had to wait.
"Bilawal and others should be careful in future so that no child has to die for them," said Bisma's mother. Medics told Bisma's family that had they come 10 minutes earlier she could have been saved. While talking to the media after inauguration, Qaim Ali Shah totally ignored journalists' questions about the death. Following the tragic happening, Bilawal called on Bisma's father and took a vow to not indulge in legal battle.

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