PTI workers protest against party's Karachi leadership

27 Dec, 2015

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers staged a protest demonstration against the local leadership of the party upon arrival of Imran Khan at Insaf House in Karachi on Saturday evening. The protesters were chanting "Go Zaidi Go" and "Go Alvi Go" slogans, referring to PTI's Karachi organizer Ali Zaidi and Member of the National Assembly Dr Arif Alvi.
A protester outside the Insaf House told newsmen that the workers were protesting against what he called unjustified allotment of party tickets in recently held Local Government elections. He said that allotment of the party tickets has divided the party. However he added that PTI workers have no complains with Imran Khan. He further said PTI faced embarrassing defeat in Karachi because of Naeemul Haq and Imran Ismail, who he said, are not running the party in the right manner.

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