50 lawmakers didn't speak any word during entire year

27 Dec, 2015

There are 50 parliamentarians in the country that did not speak even a single word during the entire year, 2015, in the House. These also include certain parliamentarians who don't let even a single chance of criticizing the government to slip by outside the parliament.
According to the details, there are 50 parliamentarians that didn't say even a single word during the parliamentary sessions. Neither did they demand any constitutional reforms nor raised the concerns of the people inside the house. The biggest name among these parliamentarians includes that of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, who stayed outside for about 6 months and even after returning, didn't utter a word.
The second biggest name is that of PML-N leader Hamza Shahbaz, who doesn't let off any chance to criticize Imran Khan. He remained quiet throughout the year. Former KP Chief Minister (CM) Amir Haider Hoti also remained on silent mode in 2015. Even the former CM of Punjab Chaudhry Pervez Elahi didn't find a reason to speak up in the house. Another big name that this list contains is that of Faryal Talpur from the 'champions of democracy' Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

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