Army, APS martyrs paid tributes

15 Dec, 2015

The Punjab Chief Minister's Advisor on Health has talked up the current military operation targeting terrorists in the north, urging the public to stay alert and keep a close watch on any suspect.
In his address to a mixed rally of the Post-Graduate Medical Institute and the Amir-ud-Din Medical College paying tribute to those killed in the December 16 terror attack in Peshawar's Army Public School, Advisor Khawaja Salman Rafiq said, "The whole nation, the army and other law enforcing agencies (LEAs) are on the same page to eliminate terrorism in the country and make a prosperous and developed Pakistan."
The rally - which began from the institute's Birdwood Road and ended at the Shadman Chowk - also drew in Institute's Principal Professor Khalid Mehmood, Lahore General Hospital Medical Superintendent Niaz Ahmed, Nursing Director General Nusrat Saeeda, Nursing School Mayo Hospital Principal Kauser Parveen, the college faculty and students from the Sir Ganga Ram, Mayo and Services hospitals.
The participants of the rally backed the army and its anti-terror operation in their banners. Khawaja Salman Rafiq and Principal PGMI Professor Khalid Mahmood said the steps taken by the Punjab government to eliminate terrorism from the country were laudable. They said at national and provincial level National Action Plan was fully implemented and at provincial level a strong crackdown was continued against the elements belonging to defunct organisations and Punjab government taking all steps with the collaboration of LEAs to maintain law and order and the protection of life and property of the people in Punjab.
In his long speech, Advisor Rafiq also mentioned the August 16 assassination of Punjab Home Minister Shuja Khanzada in a suicide attack in Attock, praising him for giving up his life in fight against terrorism. "The nation will remember [him] for a long time," he added.
In his address, Principal Professor Mahmood said, "The bravery and courage of students of the Army Public School was unprecedented who wrote a history by giving their lives for the country by giving a message to terrorists that no one can defeat the Pakistani nation."
Director General Saeeda said, "The Zarb-e-Azb operation has not only a positive impact in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas but also all over the country. All national institutions have the same policy and spirit to break the network of terrorists and to bring them at their logical end. The whole nation is standing with the army and all national institutes are on the same page to make this operation and the National Action Plan a success. There are no two opinions to eliminate terrorism."
Medical Superintendent Ahmed said, "Students and teachers of the Peshawar school had given a lesson by sacrificing their lives which should be given to others that the defence of this country and the nation is our national duty and we will fulfil this obligation at any cost."

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