CSS delegation visits AFI

30 Nov, 2015

A 60-member delegation of CSS students from private institutions paid a visit to Anjuman Faizul Islam (AFI) on Sunday and distributed gifts among the inmates of orphanage. A simple welcome ceremony was arranged by the administration of AFI to make the students aware of the history and working of AFI.
On this occasion, the president of AFI Mohammad Siddique Akbar Mian, in his address, said the Anjuman Faizul Islam was established in 1943 on the desire of the father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Jinnah to retrieve the destitute children from Bangal who lost their parents in riots.
He said that AFI has, since been organising motivation programmes for social reform and retrieving the orphans and destitute children from all over Pakistan, providing them with necessities of life and facilities of education and rehabilitating them in society as useful citizens, practising Muslims, patriotic Pakistanis and moderate human being.

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